### Advanced Factor Functions V1.03 2013/03/17 ### 2013 James H. Steiger packageLoaded <- function(name) 0 != length(grep(paste("^package:", name, "$", sep=""), search())) if(!packageLoaded("plotrix")) library(plotrix) if(!packageLoaded("sem")) library(sem) # This code block includes R code for # # Gradient Projection Algorithms and Software for Arbitrary # Rotation Criteria in Factor Analysis. # # by: # # Coen A. Bernaards and Robert I. Jennrich. # # Website: http://www.stat.ucla.edu/research # # GPForth is the main GP algorithm for orthogonal rotation. # GPFoblq is the main GP algorithm for oblique rotation. # For both algorithms is required: a loadings matrix A. Optional # a initial rotation matrix Tmat. By default this is the identity matrix. # Optional: the rotation method to be used. Between quation marks have to # be the last part of the name of the vgQ function, e.g. for vgQ.varimax # the argument is "varimax". Identical arguments can be used for oblique # rotation. Some rotation criteria (including simplimax, pst, procrustes, # cf,...) require one or more additional arguments. For example, simplimax # needs the number of 'close to zero loadings'. This is given included as # the extra argument k=27. Check out the rotation methods for details. # When a new rotation method is implemented, and it needs an additional # argument then this is the easiest way to pass it to the function. # # New rotation methods need to be programmed as vgQ.newmethod. The only # inputs are the matrix L, and potential additional arguments. The # output consists of the value f of the criterion, its gradient Gq at L, # and the name of the method. GPForth <- function(A,Tmat=diag(ncol(A)),method="varimax",...){ al <- 1 L <- A %*% Tmat VgQ <- get(paste("vgQ",method,sep="."))(L,...) G <- crossprod(A,VgQ$Gq) f <- VgQ$f Table <- NULL for (iter in 0:500){ M <- crossprod(Tmat,G) S <- (M+t(M))/2 Gp <- G - Tmat %*% S s <- sqrt(sum(diag(crossprod(Gp)))) Table <- rbind(Table,c(iter,f,log10(s),al)) if (s < 1e-5) break al <- 2*al for (i in 0:10){ X <- Tmat - al * Gp UDV <- svd(X) Tmatt <- UDV$u %*% t(UDV$v) L <- A %*% Tmatt VgQt <- get(paste("vgQ",method,sep="."))(L,...) if (VgQt$f < (f-.5*s^2*al)) break al <- al/2 } Tmat <- Tmatt f <- VgQt$f G <- crossprod(A,VgQt$Gq) } Th <- Tmat Lh <- L method <- VgQ$Method orthogonal <- T ## Added by Steiger colnames(Table) <- c("Iteration", "Function", "Log10(s)","Alpha") ## return(list(Lh=Lh,Th=Th,Table=Table,method=method,orthogonal=orthogonal)) } GPFoblq <- function(A,Tmat=diag(ncol(A)),method="quartimin",...){ al <- 1 L <- A %*% t(solve(Tmat)) VgQ <- get(paste("vgQ",method,sep="."))(L,...) G <- -t(t(L) %*% VgQ$Gq %*% solve(Tmat)) f <- VgQ$f Table <- NULL for (iter in 0:500){ Gp <- G-Tmat %*% diag(apply(Tmat*G,2,sum)) s <- sqrt(sum(diag(crossprod(Gp)))) Table <- rbind(Table,c(iter,f,log10(s),al)) if (s < 1e-5) break al <- 2*al for (i in 0:10){ X <- Tmat-al*Gp v <- 1/sqrt(apply(X^2,2,sum)) Tmatt <- X %*% diag(v) L <- A %*% t(solve(Tmatt)) VgQt <- get(paste("vgQ",method,sep="."))(L,...) if (VgQt$f < (f-.5*s^2*al)) break al <- al/2 } Tmat <- Tmatt f <- VgQt$f G <- -t(t(L) %*% VgQt$Gq %*% solve(Tmatt)) } Th <- Tmat Lh <- L Phi <- t(Tmat) %*% Tmat method <- VgQ$Method orthogonal <- F return(list(Lh=Lh,Phi=Phi,Th=Th,Table=Table,method=method,orthogonal=orthogonal)) } vgQ.quartimin <- function(L){ Method="Quartimin" L2 <- L^2 k <- ncol(L) M <- matrix(1,k,k)-diag(k) f <- sum(L2 * (L2 %*% M))/4 Gq <- L * (L2 %*% M) return(list(Gq=Gq,f=f,Method=Method)) } vgQ.oblimin <- function(L,gam=0){ Method <- paste("Oblimin g=",gam,sep="") if (gam == 0) Method <- "Oblimin Quartimin" if (gam == .5) Method <- "Oblimin Biquartimin" if (gam == 1) Method <- "Oblimin Covarimin" k <- ncol(L) p <- nrow(L) N <- matrix(1,k,k)-diag(k) f <- sum(L^2 * (diag(p)-gam*matrix(1/p,p,p)) %*% L^2 %*% N)/4 Gq <- L * ((diag(p)-gam*matrix(1/p,p,p)) %*% L^2 %*% N) return(list(Gq=Gq,f=f,Method=Method)) } vgQ.target <- function(L,Target){ Method <- "Target rotation" # Needs Target matrix, e.g. Target <- matrix(c(rep(9,4),rep(0,8),rep(9,4)),8) f <- sum((L-Target)^2) Gq <- 2*(L-Target) return(list(Gq=Gq,f=f,Method=Method)) } vgQ.pst <- function(L,W,Target){ Method <- "Partially specified target" # Needs weight matrix W with 1's at specified values, 0 otherwise # e.g. W = matrix(c(rep(1,4),rep(0,8),rep(1,4)),8). # When W has only 1's this is procrustes rotation # Needs a Target matrix Target with hypothesized factor loadings. # e.g. Target = matrix(0,8,2) Btilde <- W * Target f <- sum((W*L-Btilde)^2) Gq <- 2*(W*L-Btilde) return(list(Gq=Gq,f=f,Method=Method)) } vgQ.oblimax <- function(L){ Method <- "Oblimax" f <- -(log(sum(L^4))-2*log(sum(L^2))) Gq <- -(4*L^3/(sum(L^4))-4*L/(sum(L^2))) return(list(Gq=Gq,f=f,Method=Method)) } vgQ.entropy <- function(L){ Method <- "Minimum entropy" f <- -sum(L^2 * log(L^2 + (L^2==0)))/2 Gq <- -(L * log(L^2 + (L^2==0)) + L) return(list(Gq=Gq,f=f,Method=Method)) } vgQ.quartimax <- function(L){ Method <- "Quartimax" f <- -sum(diag(crossprod(L^2)))/4 Gq <- -L^3 return(list(Gq=Gq,f=f,Method=Method)) } vgQ.varimax <- function(L){ Method <- "Varimax" QL <- sweep(L^2,2,apply(L^2,2,mean),"-") f <- -sqrt(sum(diag(crossprod(QL))))^2/4 Gq <- -L * QL return(list(Gq=Gq,f=f,Method=Method)) } vgQ.simplimax <- function(L,k=nrow(L)){ Method <- "Simplimax" # m: Number of close to zero loadings Imat <- sign(L^2 <= sort(L^2)[k]) f <- sum(Imat*L^2) Gq <- 2*Imat*L return(list(Gq=Gq,f=f,Method=Method)) } vgQ.bentler <- function(L){ Method <- "Bentler's criterion" L2 <- L^2 M <- crossprod(L2) D <- diag(diag(M)) f <- -(log(det(M))-log(det(D)))/4 Gq <- -L * (L2 %*% (solve(M)-solve(D))) return(list(Gq=Gq,f=f,Method=Method)) } vgQ.tandemI <- function(L){ # Tandem Criterion, Comrey, 1967. Method <- "Tandem I" LL <- (L %*% t(L)) LL2 <- LL^2 f <- -sum(diag(crossprod(L^2, LL2 %*% L^2))) Gq1 <- 4 * L *(LL2 %*% L^2) Gq2 <- 4 * (LL * (L^2 %*% t(L^2))) %*% L Gq <- -Gq1 - Gq2 return(list(Gq=Gq,f=f,Method=Method)) } vgQ.tandemII <- function(L){ # Tandem Criterion, Comrey, 1967. Method <- "Tandem II" LL <- (L %*% t(L)) LL2 <- LL^2 f <- sum(diag(crossprod(L^2, (1-LL2) %*% L^2))) Gq1 <- 4 * L *((1-LL2) %*% L^2) Gq2 <- 4 * (LL * (L^2 %*% t(L^2))) %*% L Gq <- Gq1 - Gq2 return(list(Gq=Gq,f=f,Method=Method)) } vgQ.geomin <- function(L,eps=.01){ Method <- "Geomin" k <- ncol(L) p <- nrow(L) L2 <- L^2+eps pro <- exp(apply(log(L2),1,sum)/k) f <- sum(pro) Gq <- (2/k)*(L/L2)*matrix(rep(pro,k),p) return(list(Gq=Gq,f=f,Method=Method)) } vgQ.cf <- function(L,kappa=0){ k <- ncol(L) p <- nrow(L) # kappa <- 0 # Quartimax # kappa <- 1/p # Varimax # kappa <- m/(2*p) # Equamax # kappa <- (m-1)/(p+m-2) # Parsimax # kappa <- 1 # Factor parsimony Method <- paste("Crawford-Ferguson:k=",kappa,sep="") N <- matrix(1,k,k)-diag(k) M <- matrix(1,p,p)-diag(p) L2 <- L^2 f1 <- (1-kappa)*sum(diag(crossprod(L2,L2 %*% N)))/4 f2 <- kappa*sum(diag(crossprod(L2,M %*% L2)))/4 f <- f1 + f2 Gq <- (1-kappa) * L * (L2 %*% N) + kappa * L * (M %*% L2) return(list(Gq=Gq,f=f,Method=Method)) } vgQ.infomax <- function(L){ Method <- "Infomax" k <- ncol(L) p <- nrow(L) S <- L^2 s <- sum(S) s1 <- apply(S, 1, sum) s2 <- apply(S, 2, sum) E <- S/s e1 <- s1/s e2 <- s2/s Q0 <- sum(-E * log(E)) Q1 <- sum(-e1 * log(e1)) Q2 <- sum(-e2 * log(e2)) f <- log(k) + Q0 - Q1 - Q2 H <- -(log(E) + 1) alpha <- sum(S * H)/s^2 G0 <- H/s - alpha * matrix(1, p, k) h1 <- -(log(e1) + 1) alpha1 <- s1 %*% h1/s^2 G1 <- matrix(rep(h1,k), p)/s - as.vector(alpha1) * matrix(1, p, k) h2 <- -(log(e2) + 1) alpha2 <- h2 %*% s2/s^2 G2 <- matrix(rep(h2,p), ncol=k, byrow=T)/s - as.vector(alpha2) * matrix(1, p, k) Gq <- 2 * L * (G0 - G1 - G2) return(list(Gq=Gq,f=f,Method=Method)) } vgQ.mccammon <- function(L){ Method <- "McCammon entropy" k <- ncol(L) p <- nrow(L) S <- L^2 M <- matrix(1,p,p) s2 <- apply(S, 2, sum) P <- S / matrix(rep(s2,p),ncol=k,byrow=T) Q1 <- -sum(P * log(P)) H <- -(log(P) + 1) R <- M %*% S G1 <- H/R - M %*% (S*H/R^2) s <- sum(S) p2 <- s2/s Q2 <- -sum(p2 * log(p2)) h <- -(log(p2) + 1) alpha <- h %*% p2 G2 <- rep(1,p) %*% t(h)/s - as.vector(alpha)*matrix(1,p,k) Gq <- 2*L*(G1/Q1 - G2/Q2) Q <- log(Q1) - log(Q2) return(list(Gq=Gq,f=Q,Method=Method)) } # # GPromax is a separate function!!! # Call directly from command prompt. # R code only. # GPromax <- function(A,pow=3){ method <- "Promax" # Initial rotation: Standardized Varimax #require(mva) xx <- promax(A,pow) Lh <- xx$loadings Th <- xx$rotmat orthogonal <- F Table <- NULL return(list(Lh=Lh,Th=Th,Table=NULL,method,orthogonal=orthogonal)) } ## ## UTILITY FUNCTIONS ## # Kaisers standardized variables # Can be used for standardization and de-standardization. # For standardization: only provide 1 argument: the matrix A # output: standardized A and weights W # For destandardization: provide 2 arguments: matrix A # and weights W. # output: destandardized A and weights W. Standardize <- function(A,W){ if (nargs()==1) W <- sqrt(apply(A^2,1,sum)) else W <- 1/W A <- sweep(A,1,W,"/") return(A,W) } # Random Start # k: number of dimensions # orthogonal random start? (Yes, by default). Random.Start <- function(k,orthogonal=T){ mat <- matrix(rnorm(k*k),k) if (orthogonal){ ans <- qr.Q(qr(mat)) } else{ ans <- mat %*% diag(sqrt(1/diag(t(mat) %*% mat))) } ans } ########## Following routines added by Steiger vgQ.bifactor <- function(L){ Method <- "bifactor" k <- dim(L)[2] p <- dim(L)[1] L <- L[,2:k] Lsq <- L * L M <- matrix(1,k-1,k-1) - diag(k-1) f <- sum(Lsq * (Lsq %*% M)) zero <- matrix(0,p,1) Gq <- 4*cbind(zero, L * (Lsq %*% M)) return(list(Gq=Gq,f=f,Method=Method)) } ################ End of Augmented Jennrich-Bentler Functions ############ ################ The following code block augments some service ################ functions for Exploratory Factor Analysis with R ########################################################################## sx2 <- function(df, lambda) { x <- 2 * df + 4 * lambda if(x<0)x<-0 return(sqrt(x)) } FindLambda <- function(X2Observed,Df,CumP) { ##should get symbolic integer codes for droot_c ##compute rough approximation to the start value ErrorCondition <- FALSE if (pchisq(X2Observed, Df) < CumP) { print("No non-negative value of Lambda will produce the desired cumulative probability.") return(NA) } zgoal <- qnorm(CumP) df <- Df lambda1 <- X2Observed - df if(lambda1 < 0) lambda1 <- 0 s1 <- sx2(df, lambda1) lambda2 <- lambda1 - s1 * zgoal ##temporary guess for lambda2 s2 <- sx2(df, lambda2) s_est <- (s1 + s2) / 2 lambda2 <- lambda1 - zgoal * s_est if(lambda2 < 0) lambda2 <- 0 pp2<-pchisq(X2Observed, Df, lambda2)-CumP s1 <- sx2(df,lambda2) z <-( X2Observed - df - lambda2)/s1 lambda3 <- lambda2 - s1 * (z-zgoal) ##temporary guess for lambda2 s2 <- sx2(df, lambda3) s_est <- (s1 + s2) / 2 lambda3 <- lambda2 - (z-zgoal) * s_est if(lambda3 < 0) { lambda3 <- 0 } pp3<-pchisq(X2Observed, Df, lambda3)-CumP ## should be in a linear range by now if((pp2-pp3)!= 0) { xstart <- lambda3 - pp3 * ((lambda2-lambda3)/(pp2-pp3)) } n<-1 maxit<-10000 step<-1.e-4 eps<-1.e-10 xstart<-max(xstart,1) if(abs(pchisq(X2Observed, Df)-CumP) <= eps) { return(0) } xold<-0 xc<-xstart fc<-pchisq(X2Observed, Df, xc)-CumP if(ErrorCondition) { return(NA) } hc<-max(step*xc,eps) xnew<-xc-hc fnew<-pchisq(X2Observed, Df, xnew)-CumP if(ErrorCondition) { return(NA) } ac<-(fc-fnew)/hc while ( abs(xnew-xold) > eps && n < maxit && abs(fc) > eps && abs(ac) >= 1.e-35) { n<-n+1 xnew<-xc-fc/ac xold<-xc fold<-fc xc<-xnew fc<-pchisq(X2Observed, Df, xnew)-CumP ac<-(fold-fc)/(xold-xc) if(ErrorCondition) { return(NA) } } ##iteration complete if( (n >= maxit)||(abs(fc) > eps)) { ErrorCondition <- TRUE print("Percentage point convergence failure.") return(NA) } else { return(xc) } } ChiSquare.Lambda.CI <- function(X2Observed,Df,Confidence=.90){ p <- (1. - Confidence)/2. if( pchisq(X2Observed, Df) <= p) { Upper <- 0. Lower <- 0. return(c(Lower,Upper)) } Upper <- FindLambda(X2Observed,Df,p) if(pchisq(X2Observed, Df) <= 1.-p) { Lower <- 0 return(c(Lower,Upper)) } Lower <- FindLambda(X2Observed,Df,1-p) return(c(Lower,Upper)) } rmsea.ci <- function(chisq,df,n,conf=.90){ options(warn=-1) sample.rmsea <- sqrt(max(((chisq-df)/(n-1)),0)/df) # out <- conf.limits.nc.chisq(Chi.Square=chisq,conf.level=conf,df=df,Jumping.Prop=0.001) out<-ChiSquare.Lambda.CI(chisq,df,conf) lower <- if(is.na(out[1])) 0 else out[1] upper <- if(is.na(out[2])) 0 else out[2] lower <- sqrt(lower/(n-1)/df) upper <- sqrt(upper/(n-1)/df) results <- list(Lower.Limit= lower, Point.Estimate = sample.rmsea, Upper.Limit = upper, Confidence.Level = conf) return((results)) } FA.Stats <- function(Correlation.Matrix,n.obs,n.factors,conf=.90, maxit=1000,RMSEA.cutoff=NULL, main="RMSEA Plot",sub=NULL){ runs <- length(n.factors) R <- Correlation.Matrix maxfac <- max(n.factors) res <- matrix(NA,runs,8) roots <- eigen(R)$values for(i in 1:runs){ output <- factanal(covmat=R,n.obs=n.obs,factors=n.factors[i],maxit=maxit) X2 <- output$STATISTIC df <- output$dof ci <- rmsea.ci(X2,df,n.obs,conf) pvar <- sum(roots[1:n.factors[i]]) v <- c(n.factors[i],pvar,X2,df,1-pchisq(X2,df),ci$Point.Estimate, ci$Lower.Limit,ci$Upper.Limit) res[i,] <- v } colnames(res)=c("Factors","Cum.Eigen","Chi-Square","Df","p.value", "RMSEA.Pt","RMSEA.Lo","RMSEA.Hi") plotCI(n.factors,res[,6],li = res[,7],ui=res[,8], ylab="RMSEA",xlab="Number of Factors",main=main, sub=sub) lines(n.factors,res[,6],col="blue") abline(h=0,col="black",lty=3) abline(h=RMSEA.cutoff,col="red",lty=2) return(res) } Scree.Plot <- function(R,main="Scree Plot",sub=NULL){ roots <- eigen(R)$values x <- 1:dim(R)[1] plot(x,roots,type="b",col='blue',ylab="Eigenvalue", xlab="Component Number",main=main,sub=sub) abline(h=1,lty=2,col="red") } FindBifactor <- function(A,reps){ warn=-1 results <- rep( list(list()), reps ) criterion <- rep(NA,reps) m <- dim(A)[2] for(i in 1:reps) { x <- GPForth(A,method="bifactor",Tmat = Random.Start(m)) criterion[i] <- min(x$Table[,2]) results[[i]] <- x } j <- order(criterion)[1] warn=1 return(results[[j]]) } FindBestPattern <- function(A,method,is.oblique=FALSE,reps=15){ results <- rep( list(list()), reps ) criterion <- rep(NA,reps) m <- dim(A)[2] for(i in 1:reps) { if(!is.oblique)x <- GPForth(A,method=method,Tmat = Random.Start(m))else x <- GPFoblq(A,method=method,Tmat=Random.Start(m)) criterion[i] <- min(x$Table[,2]) results[[i]] <- x } j <- order(criterion)[1] return(results[[j]]) } FixPattern <- function(res,sort=TRUE){ F <- res$Lh p <- dim(F)[1] m <- dim(F)[2] factor.names <- paste("Factor",1:m,sep="") one.prime <- matrix(1,1,p) F.sign <- as.vector(sign(one.prime %*% F)) # cat("\nLoadings:\n") # fx <- format(round(Lambda, digits)) # names(fx) <- NULL # nc <- nchar(fx[1L], type="c") # fx[abs(Lambda) < cutoff] <- paste(rep(" ", nc), collapse = "") # print(fx, quote = FALSE, ...) # F <- Lambda #fix signs Lambda <- F Lambda <- Lambda %*% diag(F.sign) #sort columns by SS loadings mx <- diag(t(Lambda)%*%Lambda) ind <- order(mx,decreasing=TRUE) Lambda <- Lambda[,ind] # browser() # print(res$orthogonal) # print(res$Phi) if(!res$orthogonal) { # fix up Phi Phi <- diag(F.sign) %*% res$Phi %*% diag(F.sign) Phi <- Phi[ind,] Phi <- Phi[,ind] } if (sort) { mx <- max.col(abs(Lambda)) ind <- cbind(1L:p, mx) mx[abs(Lambda[ind]) < 0.4] <- m + 1 Lambda <- Lambda[order(mx, 1L:p),] } colnames(Lambda) <- factor.names res$Lh <- Lambda if(!res$orthogonal) { colnames(Phi) <- factor.names rownames(Phi) <- factor.names res$Phi <- Phi } return(res) } FindBifactorPattern <- function(A,reps,digits=2) { options(warn=-1) p<-dim(A)[1] out <- FindBifactor(A,reps) F <- out$Lh one.prime <- matrix(1,1,p) F.sign <- as.vector(sign(one.prime %*% F)) F <- F %*% diag(F.sign) options(warn=1) return(round(F,digits)) } GPromax <- function(A,pow=3){ method <- "Promax" # Initial rotation: Standardized Varimax xx <- promax(A,pow) Lh <- xx$loadings Th <- xx$rotmat orthogonal <- F Table <- NULL Tinv <- solve(Th) Phi <- Tinv %*% t(Tinv) return(list(Lh=Lh,Phi=Phi,Th=Th,Table=NULL,method,orthogonal=orthogonal)) } print.FLS <- function(x, sort=TRUE, num.digits=3, cutoff=.25, ...) { Lambda <- unclass(x$F) p <- nrow(Lambda) factors <- ncol(Lambda) if (sort) { mx <- max.col(abs(Lambda)) ind <- cbind(1L:p, mx) mx[abs(Lambda[ind]) < 0.5] <- factors + 1 Lambda <- Lambda[order(mx, 1L:p),] } fx <- format(round(Lambda, num.digits)) names(fx) <- NULL nc <- nchar(fx[1L], type="c") fx[abs(Lambda) < cutoff] <- paste(rep(" ", nc), collapse = "") print(fx, quote = FALSE, ...) vx <- colSums(Lambda^2) varex <- rbind("SS loadings" = vx) if(is.null(attr(x, "covariance"))) { varex <- rbind(varex, "Proportion Var" = vx/p) if(factors > 1) varex <- rbind(varex, "Cumulative Var" = cumsum(vx/p)) } cat("\n") print(round(varex, num.digits)) if(!is.null(x$Phi)){ cat("\nFactor Intercorrelations\n") cat("------------------------\n") print(round(unclass(x$Phi),num.digits)) } invisible(x) } print.MLFA<-function(x,num.digits=3,cutoff=0.25,...){ cat("\nUnrotated Loadings\n------------------\n") print.FLS(x$Unrotated,num.digits=num.digits,cutoff=cutoff) cat("\nVarimax Loadings\n------------------\n") print.FLS(x$Varimax,num.digits=num.digits,cutoff=cutoff) cat("\nPromax Loadings\n-----------------\n") print.FLS(x$Promax,num.digits=num.digits,cutoff=cutoff) cat("\nQuartimin Loadings\n-----------------\n") print.FLS(x$Quartimin,num.digits=num.digits,cutoff=cutoff) cat("\nOrthogonal Bifactor Loadings\n---------------------------\n") print.FLS(x$Bifactor,num.digits=num.digits,cutoff=cutoff) cat("\nOblique Bifactor Loadings\n-------------------------\n") invisible(print.FLS(x$BifactorOblique,num.digits=num.digits,cutoff=cutoff)) } MLFA <- function(Correlation.Matrix=NULL,n.factors=NA,n.obs=NA,data=NULL,Factor.Pattern=NULL,random.starts=15,maxit=1000,num.digits=3,cutoff=0.30,promax.m=3){ cat("This will take a moment.") if(!is.null(Correlation.Matrix)&&is.null(data)){ R <- Correlation.Matrix p <- dim(R)[1] A <- factanal(covmat=R,n.obs=n.obs,factors=n.factors,maxit=maxit, rotation="none")$loadings[1:p,] } if(!is.null(data)) {R <- cor(data) n.obs <- dim(data)[1] p <- dim(R)[1] A <- factanal(covmat=R,n.obs=n.obs,factors=n.factors,maxit=maxit, rotation="none")$loadings[1:p,]} if(is.null(data)&&is.null(Correlation.Matrix)){ A <- Factor.Pattern p <- dim(A)[1] } m <- dim(A)[2] factor.labels <- paste("Factor",1:m,sep="") A.varimax <- varimax(A)$loadings[1:p,] o = TRUE res <- list(Lh=A.varimax,orthogonal=o) res <- FixPattern(res) A.varimax <- list(F=res$Lh) res <- GPromax(A,pow=promax.m) res <- list(Lh=res$Lh,Phi=res$Phi,orthogonal=FALSE) res <- FixPattern(res) Phi.promax <- res$Phi A.promax <- list(F=res$Lh,Phi=Phi.promax,orthogonal=FALSE) cat(".") res <- FindBestPattern(A,"quartimin",reps=random.starts,is.oblique=TRUE) res <- list(Lh=res$Lh,Phi=res$Phi,orthogonal=FALSE) res <- FixPattern(res) Phi.quartimin <- res$Phi A.quartimin <- list(F=res$Lh,Phi = Phi.quartimin) cat(".") res <- FindBestPattern(A,"bifactor",reps=random.starts) orthogonal=TRUE res <- list(Lh=res$Lh,Phi=res$Phi,orthogonal=orthogonal) res <- FixPattern(res) Phi=NULL A.bifactor <- list(F=res$Lh,Phi=Phi) cat(".") res <- FindBestPattern(A,"bifactor",reps=random.starts,is.oblique=TRUE) res <- list(Lh=res$Lh,Phi=res$Phi,orthogonal=FALSE) res <- FixPattern(res) cat(".") Phi.bifactor.oblique <- res$Phi A.bifactor.oblique <- list(F=res$Lh,Phi=Phi.bifactor.oblique) A = list(F=A,Phi=NULL) cat(".") class(A.promax)="FLS" class(A)="FLS" class(A.quartimin)="FLS" cat(".exiting\n") class(A.varimax)="FLS" class(A.bifactor)="FLS" class(A.bifactor.oblique)="FLS" output<-list(Unrotated = A, Varimax=A.varimax, Promax = A.promax, Quartimin = A.quartimin, Bifactor = A.bifactor, BifactorOblique = A.bifactor.oblique ) class(output) = "MLFA" return(output) } Loadings <- function(x,num.digits=3,cutoff=.25){ invisible(print.MLFA(x,cutoff=cutoff,num.digits=num.digits)) } FAtoCFA <- function(x,model.name="fit",cutoff=0.30,factor.names=colnames(x$F),reference.indicators=FALSE,covs=paste(factor.names, collapse=",")){ F <- x$F fname <- paste(model.name,".r",sep="") file.create(fname) rn <- rownames(F) p <- dim(F)[1] m <- dim(F)[2] line <- rep(" ",m) for (j in 1:m) { prefix <- paste(factor.names[j],":",sep="") count <- sum(abs(F[,j]>cutoff)) postfix <- rep(" ",count) i.postfix <- 0 for(i in 1:p){ if(abs(F[i,j])> cutoff){ i.postfix <- i.postfix + 1 if(i.postfix ",sep="") for(i in 1:p){ postfix <- rn[i] non.fixed=TRUE line.out=FALSE for(jj in 1:m) { if(i == ref.position[jj]&&jj==j) { non.fixed=TRUE line.out=TRUE} if(i == ref.position[jj]&&jj!=j) non.fixed=FALSE } if(non.fixed){ par.number <- par.number + 1 par.name <- paste("Theta",as.character(par.number),sep="") if(make.start.values) sv<-paste(c(", ",as.character(round(F[i,j],num.digits)),"\n"),collapse="")else sv <- ", NA\n" postfix <- paste(c(postfix,", ",par.name,sv),collapse="") line.out=TRUE } if(line.out){ line <- paste(c(prefix,postfix),collapse="") cat(line,file=fname,append=TRUE) } } } for(j in 1:m) { cat(paste(c(factor.names[j]," <-> ",factor.names[j],", NA, 1\n"),collapse=""),file=fname,append=TRUE) } if(cov.matrix && m>1 ) { ok <- !is.null(Phi) for(i in 2:m) for(j in 1:(i-1)) { par.number <- par.number + 1 prefix <- paste(factor.names[i], "<-> ",sep="") postfix <- factor.names[j] if(make.start.values&&ok) sv<-paste(c(", ",as.character(round(Phi[i,j],num.digits)),"\n"),collapse="") else sv <- ", NA\n" par.name <- paste("Theta",as.character(par.number),sep="") postfix <- paste(c(postfix,", ",par.name,sv),collapse="") cat(paste(c(prefix,postfix),collapse=""),file=fname,append=TRUE) } } ## add unique variances if(is.null(Phi))Phi <- diag(p) U2 <- diag(R - F %*% Phi %*% t(F)) for(i in 1:p){ par.number <- par.number+1 prefix <- paste(c(rn[i]," <-> ",rn[i],", "),collapse="") par.name <- paste("Theta",as.character(par.number),sep="") if(make.start.values) sv<-paste(c(", ",as.character(round(U2[i],num.digits)),"\n"),collapse="") else sv <- ", NA\n" cat(paste(c(prefix,par.name,sv),collapse=""),file=fname,append=TRUE) } cat("\n",file=fname,append=TRUE) cstring <- paste( c("specifyModel(file=\"",fname,"\")"),collapse="") sem.model <- eval(parse(text=cstring)) return(sem.model) } FAtoSEM <- function(x,model.name="fit",cutoff=0.30,factor.names=colnames(x$F), make.start.values=FALSE,cov.matrix=FALSE,num.digits=4){ F <- round(x$F,num.digits) fname <- paste(model.name,".r",sep="") file.create(fname) cat("\n") Phi <- x$Phi rn <- rownames(F) p <- dim(F)[1] m <- dim(F)[2] # cat(paste(model.name,"<- cfa(reference.indicators=FALSE)\n")) line <- rep(" ",p-(m-1)) par.number <- 0 for (j in 1:m) { prefix <- paste(factor.names[j]," -> ",sep="") for(i in 1:p){ postfix <- rn[i] if(abs(F[i,j])>cutoff) { par.number <- par.number + 1 par.name <- paste("Theta",as.character(par.number),sep="") if(make.start.values) {sv<-paste(c(", ",as.character(F[i,j]),"\n"),collapse="")}else sv <- ", NA\n" postfix <- paste(c(postfix,", ",par.name,sv),collapse="") line <- paste(c(prefix,postfix),collapse="") cat(line,file=fname,append=TRUE) } } } for(j in 1:m) { cat(paste(c(factor.names[j]," <-> ",factor.names[j],", NA, 1\n"),collapse=""),file=fname,append=TRUE) } if(cov.matrix && m>1 ) { ok <- !is.null(Phi) for(i in 2:m) for(j in 1:(i-1)) { par.number <- par.number + 1 prefix <- paste(factor.names[i], "<-> ",sep="") postfix <- factor.names[j] if(make.start.values&&ok)sv<-paste(c(", ",as.character(Phi[i,j]),"\n"),collapse="") else sv <- ", NA\n" par.name <- paste("Theta",as.character(par.number),sep="") postfix <- paste(c(postfix,", ",par.name,sv),collapse="") cat(paste(c(prefix,postfix),collapse=""),file=fname,append=TRUE) } } cat("\n",file=fname,append=TRUE) cstring <- paste( c("specifyModel(file=\"",fname,"\")"),collapse="") sem.model <- eval(parse(text=cstring)) return(sem.model) } GetPattern <- function(sem.object){ A <- sem.object$A P <- sem.object$P p <- sem.object$n m <- sem.object$m - p F <- A[1:p,(p+1):sem.object$m] Phi <- P[(p+1):sem.object$m,(p+1):sem.object$m] return(list(F=F,Phi=Phi)) } SetupCFAPattern <- function(R,n.factors=NA,factor.names=NULL){ p <- dim(R)[1] m <- n.factors Fp <- matrix(0,p,m) rownames(Fp) <- colnames(R) if(is.null(factor.names))factor.names <- paste("Factor",1:m,sep="") colnames(Fp) <- factor.names Fp <- edit(Fp) return(list(F=Fp)) } UseMod <- function(sem.object,loadings.only=TRUE){ options(warn=-1) new.path <- CheckMod(sem.object,row.form=TRUE,loadings.only=loadings.only)$NewPath old.model <- sem.object$semmod R <- sem.object$S n.obs <- sem.object$N new.model <- rbind(old.model,new.path) class(new.model) <- class(old.model) fit.object <- sem(new.model,R,n.obs) return(fit.object) } CFAModel <- function(R,model.name="fit",n.factors=NULL,factor.names=NULL,cutoff=0.30,covs=TRUE,reference.indicators=FALSE) { if(is.null(n.factors))n.factors=length(factor.names) x <- SetupCFAPattern(R,n.factors,factor.names) if(covs){ covariances=paste(factor.names, collapse=",") }else{covariances=NULL} model <- FAtoCFA(x,model.name,cutoff,factor.names,reference.indicators,covariances) return(model) } QuickCFA <- function(R,n.factors=NULL,n.obs,model.name="Model0", factor.names=NULL,cutoff=0.30,factor.correlations=FALSE, reference.indicators=FALSE) { if(is.null(factor.names))factor.names <- paste("Factor",1:n.factors,sep="") model <- CFAModel(R,model.name,n.factors,factor.names,cutoff, covs=factor.correlations,reference.indicators) fit.object <- sem(model,R,n.obs) return(fit.object) } CheckMod <- function(sem.object,row.form=FALSE,loadings.only=TRUE){ options(warn=-1) mi <- modIndices(sem.object) A <- mi$mod.A P <- mi$mod.P p <- sem.object$n m <- sem.object$m - p F <- A[1:p,(p+1):sem.object$m] par.number <- sem.object$t + 1 par.name <- paste("AddedTheta",par.number,sep="") largest.F <- max(F,na.rm=TRUE) largest.P <- 0 largest.Q <- 0 if(!loadings.only){ Q <- P P <- P[(p+1):sem.object$m,(p+1):sem.object$m] Q <- Q[1:p,1:p] largest.P <- max(P,na.rm=TRUE) largest.Q <- max(Q,na.rm=TRUE) } maxes <- c(largest.F,largest.P,largest.Q) for(i in 1:3)if(maxes[i]==-Inf)maxes[i]<-0 max.mod.pos <- order(maxes,decreasing=TRUE)[1] if(max.mod.pos == 1){ arrow <- "->" F.pos <- which(F==largest.F,arr.ind=TRUE) if(length(F.pos[,1])>1)F.pos <- F.pos[1,] postfix <- rownames(F)[F.pos[1]] prefix <- colnames(F)[F.pos[2]] value <- F[F.pos[1],F.pos[2]] } if(max.mod.pos==2){ arrow="<->" P.pos <- which(P==largest.P,arr.ind=TRUE) if(length(P.pos[,1])>1)P.pos <- P.pos[1,] prefix <- colnames(P)[P.pos[1]] postfix <- colnames(P)[P.pos[2]] value <- P[P.pos[1],P.pos[2]] } if(max.mod.pos==3){ arrow="<->" Q.pos <- which(Q==largest.Q,arr.ind=TRUE) if(length(Q.pos[,1])>1)Q.pos <- Q.pos[1,] prefix <- colnames(Q)[Q.pos[1]] postfix <- colnames(Q)[Q.pos[2]] value <- Q[Q.pos[1],Q.pos[2]] } path <- paste(c(prefix,arrow,postfix),collapse="") if(!row.form)line <- paste(c(path,",",par.name,", NA"),collapse="")else line <- c(path,par.name,", NA") fname="added.r" file.create(fname) cat(line,file=fname) output <- list(NewPath=line,ModIndex=value) return(output) } CullModel<-function(fit.object,alpha,cull.Phi=FALSE){ model <- fit.object$semmod zcrit <- qnorm(1-alpha/2) zval <- summary(fit.object)$coeff$'z value' sig <- abs(zval)>zcrit par.posn <- fit.object$par.posn new.model <- model model.length <- dim(model)[1] pos<-1 to.cull <- 0 is.ok <- rep(TRUE,model.length) if(!cull.Phi){ do.not.cull <- grep("<->",model) for(i in 1:length(do.not.cull)){ is.ok[do.not.cull[i]]<-FALSE } } for(i in 1:length(sig)){ if(!sig[i]&&is.ok[par.posn[i]]){ to.cull[pos] <- par.posn[i] pos <- pos+1 } } new.model <- new.model[-to.cull,] class(new.model) <- class(model) return(new.model) } QuickJoreskog <- function(R,n.factors,n.obs,model.name="model.0", alpha=0.05,use.promax=TRUE,promax.m=3){ mlfa.object <- MLFA(R,n.factors,n.obs,promax.m=promax.m) if(use.promax)x <- mlfa.object$Promax else x <- mlfa.object$Varimax ref.model <- FAtoREF(x,R,model.name) ref.fit <- sem(ref.model,R,n.obs) culled.model <- CullModel(ref.fit,alpha) culled.fit <- sem(culled.model,R,n.obs) return(culled.fit) } GetPrettyPattern <- function(fit.object,cutoff=0.10){ print.FLS(GetPattern(fit.object),cutoff=cutoff)} RMSEA <- function(fit.object,conf=0.90){ n.obs <- fit.object$N X2 <- (n.obs-1)*fit.object$criterion p <- fit.object$n t <- fit.object$t df <- p*(p+1)/2 - t rmsea.ci(X2,df,n.obs,conf) } QuickEFAtoCFA <- function(R,n.factors,n.obs,rotation="Varimax",model.name="model.0",cutoff=0.30,alpha=0.05,make.start.values=TRUE,cov.matrix=TRUE,num.digits=4,promax.m=3){ rotation.list <- c("Varimax","Promax","Quartimin","Bifactor", "BifactorOblique") rot <- 0 for(i in 1:5) if(rotation==rotation.list[i]){rot<-i;break} if(rot==0){print("Illegal Rotation Method");return()} x <- MLFA(R,n.factors,n.obs,cutoff=cutoff,num.digits=num.digits,promax.m=promax.m) cstring <- paste( c("rot.pattern <-x$",rotation),collapse="") eval(parse(text=cstring)) model <- FAtoSEM(rot.pattern,model.name=model.name,cutoff=cutoff, factor.names=colnames(rot.pattern$F), make.start.values=make.start.values,cov.matrix=cov.matrix,num.digits=num.digits) fit <- sem(model,R,n.obs) return(fit) }